In the neighboring system , at a distance of 12.5 light-years from us , two exoplanets as similar to Earth as possible have been discovered

The discovered exoplanets, called Teegarden b and Teegarden c, are only slightly larger than our Earth, but in general they resemble it very much. Teegarden b even took first place in the list of potentially habitable exoplanets, scoring the highest score on the Earth similarity index. This index is used to approximate the suitability of exoplanets and their satellites for life. Scientists claim that the “Earth similarity index” of the planet Teegarden b is 0.95, and Teegarden c has 0.68, which is about the same as Mars.

The surface temperature of Teegarden b varies from zero to +50 degrees Celsius, and the average is about 28 degrees. Teegarden c is located farther from the star, so the climate on it is cooler and more similar to that of Mars. The average temperature on its surface is about -47 degrees Celsius.

Given that both planets have a rocky, partially iron or water composition, they should have radii similar to Earth’s. These two planets resemble the inner planets of the Solar System. They are located in the so-called habitable zone, where water may be present, which is why they are included in the list of potentially habitable exoplanets. If these planets have an atmosphere, then they may well be habitable.

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