Category: NASA

  • The California Nebula (NGC 1499)

    The California Nebula (NGC 1499)

    The California Nebula (NGC 1499) is an emission nebula located in the constellation Perseus. It got its name due to its shape, which resembles the outline of the state of California. It is one of the bright deep-sky objects and attracts the attention of both astronomers and sky enthusiasts. Main Characteristics: Appearance and Glow The…

  • James Webb discovered a unique galaxy: the gas inside it turned out to be brighter than the stars

    James Webb discovered a unique galaxy: the gas inside it turned out to be brighter than the stars

    The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a unique galaxy where the gas inside shines brighter than its stars. The galaxy, named GS-NDG-9422, is seen as it appeared just 1 billion years after the Big Bang. What makes it remarkable is that the light captured in the image is not coming from its stars but…

  • On April 13, 2029, a 340-meter asteroid, already legendary Apophis, will fly dangerously close to Earth

    On April 13, 2029, a 340-meter asteroid, already legendary Apophis, will fly dangerously close to Earth

    Asteroid 99942 Apophis is a near—Earth asteroid that has become the object of attention of scientists and the general public due to its potential threat of collision with Earth. First discovered in 2004, the asteroid has a diameter of about 340 meters and belongs to the class of Apollo asteroids crossing the Earth’s orbit. The…

  • James Webb показал взаимодействие двух галактик

    James Webb показал взаимодействие двух галактик

    Это изображение соединения эллиптической и спиральной галактики, известного под названием Arp 107, комбинирует данные двух приборов: MIRI и NIRCam. Прибор ближнего инфракрасного диапазона NIRCam показывает старые звезды внутри обеих галактик и связь между ними, например, белую газопылевую область. Благодаря среднему каналу MIRI мы видим снимок ядра спиральной галактики, где расположена сверхмассивная черная дыра. Оранжевым цветом…

  • Hubble helped identify exoplanets that are water worlds

    Hubble helped identify exoplanets that are water worlds

    A group of researchers has found evidence that two previously discovered exoplanets orbiting a red dwarf are most likely water worlds where water occupies most of the planet’s volume. These worlds are located in the Kepler-138 system at a distance of 218 light-years from us in the constellation Lyra and are not similar to any…

  • Astronomers have found a potentially habitable exoplanet near a red dwarf

    Astronomers have found a potentially habitable exoplanet near a red dwarf

    Super-Earth LP 890-9 c is located within the habitable zone of its star, a calm and “soft” red dwarf. According to the authors of the find, this is the second in the list of the most promising candidates for the presence of life outside the Solar system. Two exoplanets from the class of super-earths have…

  • The meteorite NWA 7034 has a second, more poetic name: “Black Beauty”

    The meteorite NWA 7034 has a second, more poetic name: “Black Beauty”

    It was found in the Moroccan part of the Sahara Desert in 2011. Scientists immediately determined that it was a fragment of Martian rock. At the moment, the “Beauty” is recognized as the oldest sample from the surface of Mars! The basalt that forms its basis froze 4.44-4.48 billion years ago, or just a hundred…

  • SpaceX sent a scientific platform and a cubesat to the moon

    SpaceX sent a scientific platform and a cubesat to the moon

    The Falcon 9 rocket successfully launched from launch pad 40 at Cape Canaveral in Florida. She sent an ispace landing platform to the moon with scientific equipment, including a rover from the UAE. As a passing load, the NASA Lunar Flashlight cubesat was sent, which will search for water ice near the South Pole from…

  • Two minerals that have never been found on Earth were recorded in the meteorite

    Two minerals that have never been found on Earth were recorded in the meteorite

    Scientists have recorded minerals in the El Ali meteorite that have never been found on Earth before. The meteorite was found in Somalia two years ago, it weighs about 14 tons. After its discovery, the 70-gram part was sent to the university for research. As a result, two new minerals were found there — elaliite…

  • Astronomers have discovered a rare type of supernova Icn

    Astronomers have discovered a rare type of supernova Icn

    Astronomers have discovered a rare type of supernova Icn Scientists have studied the supernova SN 2022ann, which belongs to a rare type of Icn. This is only the fifth such object known to people. Studies show that before the explosion, the flash “inflated” its shell. Scientists from different countries have studied the supernova SN 2022ann…