Is there extraterrestrial life and what is their hostile attitude towards Earthlings?

Scientists suggest that approximately four hostile civilizations may inhabit the Milky Way, which are capable of invading the Earth. But again, in order not to scare you, these are assumptions built on indirect signs.

Scientists still suggest that on some planets of the millions of planets in the Milky Way, on which extraterrestrial life may exist. A new study from scientists suggests that about four of them may be inhabited by hostile alien civilizations that are ready to invade the Earth if possible. One of the signs of the existence of Methane in the layers of the atmosphere – this indicates the existence of organic matter, which may exist or existed. The probability of an invasion of our planet is very vague and is estimated as very low, because if there is intelligent life somewhere in distant galaxies, and they are able to reach us, we are of no interest to them.
So far, science does not know for sure if there is anyone else besides us…

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