The California Nebula (NGC 1499)

The California Nebula (NGC 1499) is an emission nebula located in the constellation Perseus. It got its name due to its shape, which resembles the outline of the state of California. It is one of the bright deep-sky objects and attracts the attention of both astronomers and sky enthusiasts.

Main Characteristics:

  1. Distance from Earth: The nebula is approximately 1,000 light-years away from Earth.
  2. Size: It spans about 100 light-years in length.
  3. Type: Emission nebula. This means it glows due to ionized hydrogen, illuminated by the energy of nearby hot stars.
  4. Coordinates: It is located in the constellation Perseus, near the star Menkhib (ξ Persei), although this star does not illuminate the nebula itself.

Appearance and Glow

The nebula shines due to the ultraviolet radiation from a nearby O-type star, likely the star HD 24189. The energy from the star ionizes the gas, primarily hydrogen, causing it to emit a characteristic red light. This glow results from the recombination of hydrogen atoms and the subsequent emission of photons in the red part of the spectrum.


The nebula was first recorded by American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard in 1884. Barnard was known for his deep surveys of the night sky, and it was he who documented this diffuse cloud in the constellation Perseus.

Why is it called the “California Nebula”?

The name of the nebula was given because its shape resembles the outline of the state of California on a map. While this is an unofficial name, it has become widely used among astronomers and astronomy enthusiasts.


Due to its large size and relatively low brightness, the California Nebula is difficult to observe with the naked eye or through small telescopes. However, it is a popular target for astrophotographers, as long exposures capture its reddish light, typical of emission nebulae. Filters such as Hα (Hydrogen-alpha) are often used to enhance the red glow of the nebula.

Importance for Astronomy

The California Nebula is an important object for studying star formation and the dynamics of interstellar gas. Within and around the nebula, active processes related to the formation of new stars are occurring. It provides a great field for observing the effects of stellar winds and ultraviolet radiation on the surrounding gas.

In general, NGC 1499 is one of the most beautiful objects in the night sky, representing a classic example of an emission nebula and offering many opportunities to study cosmic processes.

James Webb discovered a unique galaxy: the gas inside it turned out to be brighter than the stars

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a unique galaxy where the gas inside shines brighter than its stars.

The galaxy, named GS-NDG-9422, is seen as it appeared just 1 billion years after the Big Bang. What makes it remarkable is that the light captured in the image is not coming from its stars but from the galaxy’s hot gas. Astronomers believe that the stars in this galaxy are so intensely hot—reaching temperatures over 80,000 degrees Celsius—that they heat the surrounding gas, causing it to glow even brighter than the stars themselves.

This discovery might point to a previously unseen phase in galactic evolution. What’s also intriguing about GS-NDG-9422 is its unusual chemical composition for a galaxy of such age. Analysis has revealed traces of heavier elements like oxygen, carbon, and iron, which are typically synthesized in second-generation stars. These elements suggest that the galaxy may have undergone some early stellar processes leading to the enrichment of its gas.

Researchers are now looking for more galaxies like GS-NDG-9422 to gain better insight into what was happening during the first billion years of the universe’s existence. Understanding these early stages of galactic development could help unravel key aspects of cosmic evolution.

On April 13, 2029, a 340-meter asteroid, already legendary Apophis, will fly dangerously close to Earth

Asteroid 99942 Apophis is a near—Earth asteroid that has become the object of attention of scientists and the general public due to its potential threat of collision with Earth. First discovered in 2004, the asteroid has a diameter of about 340 meters and belongs to the class of Apollo asteroids crossing the Earth’s orbit. The history of the study and the threat of collision When the asteroid Apophis was first discovered, calculations showed that it could collide with Earth on April 13, 2029. The probability of a collision was estimated to be quite high, which caused serious concerns. At one point, the probability of impact was estimated as 2.7%, making it one of the most dangerous asteroids known at that time. However, in subsequent years, thanks to more accurate observations and calculations of the asteroid’s orbit, the probability of a collision in 2029 was eliminated. Now scientists are confident that Apophis will pass at a safe distance from Earth — about 31,000 kilometers from the surface of our planet, which by cosmic standards is a very close distance. For comparison, this is closer than geostationary satellites, which rotate at an altitude of about 35,800 kilometers. The flight of Apophis on April 13, 2029 In 2029, the asteroid will pass so close to Earth that it can be seen even with the naked eye. Its brilliance can reach 3-4 magnitude, which makes it visible in the evening sky, especially for residents of the eastern hemisphere.Вселенная.mp4

This will be a unique opportunity to observe a large asteroid of this size from Earth. The Apophis flyby itself will give scientists and astronomers a rare chance to study a near-Earth object from a minimum distance. With the help of ground-based telescopes and, possibly, space missions, it will be possible to study its surface, composition and orbital parameters with high accuracy. Why did it get such a name? The asteroid is named after the ancient Egyptian god Apophis, a serpentine deity of chaos and destruction. This name reflects initial concerns about the potential threat that the asteroid could pose to Earth. Future prospects Although the probability of a collision in 2029 is excluded, scientists continue to observe the asteroid. The orbit of Apophis may change under the influence of Earth’s gravity, and there are small chances of a collision in the distant future, in particular, flights in 2036 and 2068 are being considered, but the risks of a collision are very small. Thus, the asteroid Apophis, despite initial fears, does not pose an immediate threat to Earth in the near future. However, its flight in 2029 will remain a significant event for science and for everyone who is interested in astronomy.

James Webb показал взаимодействие двух галактик

Это изображение соединения эллиптической и спиральной галактики, известного под названием Arp 107, комбинирует данные двух приборов: MIRI и NIRCam.

Прибор ближнего инфракрасного диапазона NIRCam показывает старые звезды внутри обеих галактик и связь между ними, например, белую газопылевую область. Благодаря среднему каналу MIRI мы видим снимок ядра спиральной галактики, где расположена сверхмассивная черная дыра. Оранжевым цветом представлены области звездообразования.

“James Webb” discovered spiral galaxies with jumpers formed in the early Universe

A new study based on observations of the James Webb Space Telescope suggests a new look at the evolution of galaxies. As part of an early program to study distant galaxies, the observatory discovered well-structured spiral galaxies at a time when they should not have formed yet, if existing models are followed.

Jumpers were observed for the first time in such young spiral galaxies. Their presence may lead to a revision of stellar evolution, since the jumpers structurally have a strong influence on the processes of star formation and gas distribution inside galaxies.

A ground-based telescope has seen a very powerful volcanic eruption on Jupiter’s moon Io

The Soho ground-based telescope has recorded one of the largest episodes of volcanic activity on Jupiter’s moon Io. It began in July last year and lasted about six months, accompanied by the release of a substance on Wednesday near the satellite.

These observations are important not only for scientists, but also for the automatic station “Juno”, which explores Jupiter and its moons and in 2023 will make two close flights past Io, observing its volcanoes, as well as determining the parameters of the plasma environment near the satellite.

Mask’s spaceship, Printer rocket and hybrid engine: what will fly into orbit in 2023

Los Angeles-based startup Relativity Space aims to become the first space company to launch a fully 3D-printed launch vehicle into orbit. After almost eight years of development, the company planned the first orbital flight of the Terran 1 rocket on January 31, 2023.

Another new company that plans to conquer space in the coming year is the Australian Gilmour Space Technologies. The first orbital launch of the Eris rocket is scheduled for April 2023. If the launch is successful, Australia will become the 12th country in the world to send its own orbital rocket into space.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX company has been working for several years to create a fully reusable superheavy Starship rocket (translated from English as “starship”). This development is expected to become the largest launch vehicle, surpassing the SLS, which sent the Orion spacecraft to the moon in 2022.

SpaceX has already conducted a number of flight tests of prototypes and components of the future rocket. Although the exact date of the first orbital flight has not been announced to date, experts predict that it may take place as early as the first half of 2023.

The first flight of the New Glenn orbital rocket, developed by Jeff Bezos’ company, is also scheduled for the end of the year.

The European Union is not far behind! The German company Rocket Factory Augsburg from Bavaria is planning the first launch of its rocket “RFA One” at the end of 2023. The completion of the development and plans for the first launch in 2023 were also announced by the Scottish Skyrora and the German Isar Aerospace.

We are closely following the news

Giant nebula “Rosette”

Here is a composite image of the Rosette nebula, located about 5,000 light-years from Earth. This region of ionized hydrogen is famous for rapid star formation.

To create the image, we used:
— X—ray data (red) from NASA’s Chandra Space Observatory;

  • Optical data (purple, orange, green and blue) from the Digital Sky Survey and the Kitt Peak National Observatory.

X-ray data allows us to see hundreds of young stars grouped in the center of the nebula, and more sparse clusters on the sides.

Astronomers have discovered areas with unusual properties around young stars

Their formation may be associated with shock waves.

The ALMA snapshot shows similar regions. They are located in a dust disk surrounding two very young stars. The colors indicate the temperature distribution: brighter shades correspond to a higher temperature.

Shock waves may help enrich the gas at the early stages of the formation of the circumstellar disk with complex organic molecules, which can later become part of the substance of newborn planets. High temperatures associated with shock waves can also affect the process of dust particles sticking together. Namely, it also depends on how early planetary nuclei can begin to form in the disk.

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