Author: admin

  • Spiral galaxy NGC 4565

    Spiral galaxy NGC 4565

    The magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4565 is visible from the edge of the planet Earth. Because of its thin profile, it is often called the Needle Galaxy. The bright galaxy NGC 4565 is a good object for observations in the northern sky. She is in the faint but elegant constellation of Veronica’s Hair. This image…

  • Blue Origin has expressed great interest in the implementation of the FAR SIDE project.

    Blue Origin has expressed great interest in the implementation of the FAR SIDE project.

    On the far side of the moon, it is planned to place an array of radio telescopes designed to study the early Universe. FARSIDE will operate in the range from 10 to 40 MHz, which will allow it to observe the “dark ages” — the era when our Universe was only 15-80 million years old.…

  • Why does the starry sky rotate, but the North Star is stationary?

    Why does the starry sky rotate, but the North Star is stationary?

    The fact is that the rotation of the Earth around its axis is accompanied by the rotation of the axis itself (as the axis of a slowing spinning top begins to rotate). This effect is called precession. The precession cycle is about 28,000 years and is also known as the Platonic Year. That is, a…

  • Specialists of the Hubble mission have published a photo on which you can see a rather unusual pair of deep space objects

    Specialists of the Hubble mission have published a photo on which you can see a rather unusual pair of deep space objects

    The elliptical galaxy NGC 541 is depicted in the upper right part of the image. Such objects have a spherical or ellipsoid shape and are characterized by the complete absence of any traces of spiral structures. Usually they do not have reserves of dust and gas that allow them to form new luminaries, so they…

  • Spaceships will reach Jupiter in 2103, and Saturn in 2132

    Spaceships will reach Jupiter in 2103, and Saturn in 2132

    A group of scientists from the USA, China and the Netherlands has calculated the launch of manned missions to Jupiter and Saturn. The introductory data were the distances to these planets and the time to cover it. The manned mission to the remote parts of the Solar System will be the longest since the space…

  • For the first time, a planet with tectonic activity has been found outside the Solar System

    For the first time, a planet with tectonic activity has been found outside the Solar System

    Until now, researchers have not found evidence of global tectonic activity on planets outside the Solar System. However, recently a group of researchers found evidence of flows inside the planet LHS 3844b. It is located 45 light-years from Earth. “It is very difficult to observe signs of tectonic activity, because they are usually hidden under…

  • Comet Catalina Shows that Comets Delivered Carbon to Rocky Planets

    Comet Catalina Shows that Comets Delivered Carbon to Rocky Planets

    In early 2016, an “ice guest” from the outer Solar system passed by Earth. It was briefly observed in the sky as comet Catalina, after which it flew past the Sun to leave the Solar System forever. Using infrared instruments, the SOFIA Observatory was able to capture a characteristic spectral feature of carbon atoms inside…

  • How are the nuclei of galaxies formed?

    How are the nuclei of galaxies formed?

    According to one theory, the nuclei of galaxies are primary black holes, around which galaxies formed from the matter formed during the Big Bang. Just as planetary systems formed from a gas-dust disk around a star. Let me remind you. A primary black hole is a hypothetical type of black hole that was formed not…

  • Collisions between dwarf galaxies can lead to the loss of all dark matter by them

    Collisions between dwarf galaxies can lead to the loss of all dark matter by them

    In 2018, astronomers discovered an unusual galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 in the vicinity of the Milky Way. With similar sizes to our galaxy, it contains 200 times fewer stars. At the same time, there is practically no dark matter in it. Its presence can be determined by the gravitational effect on visible matter. It is believed…

  • Who are the plutoids?

    Who are the plutoids?

    Some time after Pluto was “demoted” from planets to dwarf planets, the International Astronomical Union decided to sweeten this bitter pill for the poor man and introduced a new category of trans-Neptunian objects named after him. Plutoids now included all dwarf planets orbiting the Sun in an orbit with a radius greater than the radius…