Author: admin

  • Astronomers have discovered a rare type of supernova Icn

    Astronomers have discovered a rare type of supernova Icn

    Astronomers have discovered a rare type of supernova Icn Scientists have studied the supernova SN 2022ann, which belongs to a rare type of Icn. This is only the fifth such object known to people. Studies show that before the explosion, the flash “inflated” its shell. Scientists from different countries have studied the supernova SN 2022ann…

  • Infrared image of Saturn and Titan

    Infrared image of Saturn and Titan

    The infrared image of Saturn and Titan, which was obtained on May 7, 2009 by the Gemini North Observatory team using the Altair adaptive optics system with a near—infrared imaging device (NIRI), is a complete aesthetic delight.⠀Along the perimeter of the massive ring, the outer ring F is faintly visible, which was first detected in…

  • Astronomers have found a giant star preparing to devour its planet

    Astronomers have found a giant star preparing to devour its planet

    Astronomers have discovered a new warm Jupiter HD 167768b around an old evolved giant star. It is expected that in the next 150 million years, the expanding luminary will absorb the exoplanet. HD 167768 is 5.3 billion years old. The star belongs to the spectral class G8 III and has a mass of 1.08 solar…

  • By 2030, NASA plans to create a base on the Moon as part of the Artemis program

    By 2030, NASA plans to create a base on the Moon as part of the Artemis program

    This means that in this decade we will be able to send people to the moon, where they can not only live, but also fully engage in science! It is assumed that the base will be built in the Shackleton crater and will include a main residential module, a habitable mobile platform and a lunar…

  • Astronomers used a machine learning algorithm to Classify 1,000 supernovae

    Astronomers used a machine learning algorithm to Classify 1,000 supernovae

    The algorithm was applied to data obtained using the Zwicky Transient Facility, a sky survey instrument based at the Palomar Observatory of the California Institute of Technology. “We needed help, and we knew that as soon as we taught our computers to do this work, they would take a lot of load off us,” the…

  • Aging stars can create beautiful patterns in the sky

    Aging stars can create beautiful patterns in the sky

    Aging stars can create beautiful patterns in the sky that sometimes look like flowers or insects. A striking example is NGC 6302. The dying central star of the nebula has become exceptionally hot, the temperature on its surface exceeds 200 thousand. °C, it shines brightly in the visible and ultraviolet ranges, but is hidden from…

  • “James Webb” revealed the composition of the atmosphere of a red-hot exoplanet

    “James Webb” revealed the composition of the atmosphere of a red-hot exoplanet

    The telescope has compiled a molecular and chemical portrait of the atmosphere of the “hot Saturn” WASP-39b in unprecedented detail, revealing water, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, sodium and potassium in it. The exoplanet lives seven hundred light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Virgo and is located eight times closer to its star…

  • NIRSpec “Webb” tool reveals the mysteries of the Universe

    NIRSpec “Webb” tool reveals the mysteries of the Universe

    Astronomy asks questions about how the first stars and galaxies began to form, and what ultimately led to our existence. However, even the largest space telescope is only as good as its instruments are, and here the NIRSpec spectrograph comes on the scene. Its task is to divide the infrared light collected by Webb into…

  • Hubble photographed a strange galaxy with a giant ring

    Hubble photographed a strange galaxy with a giant ring

    The Hubble mission support team has published a picture of a very unusual-looking galaxy known under the designation Arp-Madore 417-391. It was formed as a result of a “space accident”. Arp-Madore 417-391 is located at a distance of 670 million light-years from Earth in the direction of the southern constellation Eridanus. It consists of two…

  • Canadian startup develops lunar rover for energy delivery

    Canadian startup develops lunar rover for energy delivery

    On November 21, Toronto-based STELLS unveiled its plans to develop a Mobile Power Rover, a rover that will generate energy from its solar panels and can transmit it wirelessly to other vehicles on the moon’s surface. Its MSL-1 rover is scheduled to launch by 2025 as a payload on the Intuitive Machines lander to the…