Category: Mysteries of Space

  • Just one fact about the neutron star

    Just one fact about the neutron star

    Example: a neutron star whose diameter does not exceed ten kilometers can weigh as much as our sun.If a person is (hypothetically) moved to the surface of this object, the astronaut’s weight will increase by one million tons at once.Here are the things…

  • The photo shows a trio of interacting galaxies

    The photo shows a trio of interacting galaxies

    The distance to the Earth is 90 million sv. years. They are located in the constellation Virgo. On the far side, two stars are visible, surrounded by diffraction rays, belonging to our Milky Way, their colors echo the shades of extragalactic objects, reminding that the stars of our Galaxy are no different from the stars…

  • Comet Bernardinelli will fly by the Earth at a relatively small distance by cosmic standards

    Comet Bernardinelli will fly by the Earth at a relatively small distance by cosmic standards

    Comet Bernstein was discovered not so long ago in 2014 Unfortunately, it will not be possible to see the passage of this celestial body without the “armed eye”, since the minimum distance at which the comet will fly from the earth will be one billion km. However, by the standards of space, this is “scanty”,…

  • The fastest young star was found by astronomers

    The fastest young star was found by astronomers

    A nova is a sudden explosion of the brightest light that occurs in two—star systems. Every new young star comes from a white dwarf. A white dwarf is a very dense remnant of a star’s core—and from a nearby companion star. Over time, the white dwarf pulls matter out of its victim, heats it up.…

  • Why is the Earth’s surface warmed up better than at the height of clouds?

    Why is the Earth’s surface warmed up better than at the height of clouds?

    If you understand the clouds are closer to the Sun. Here, the different ability of clouds and the Earth’s surface to reflect and absorb sunlight plays a role. The earth heats up and gives off heat, and clouds often do not have such an opportunity If we compare the distance from the surface of the…

  • As astronomers have found out, large planets can tear off the shells of dying stars

    As astronomers have found out, large planets can tear off the shells of dying stars

    According to the scientific council, the results of the research allow us to explain the existence of systems with planets and brown dwarfs orbiting at short distances around the remnants of sun-like stars Planets whose mass exceeds Jupiter by more than a dozen times, for example, can tear off the outer shell of the star…

  • Spiral Galaxy TPS 1087

    Spiral Galaxy TPS 1087

    In this photo of the ALMA radio telescope, it looks like a sleeping snake curled up in a ring… In reality, this object is from deep space — or, to be more precise, the spiral galaxy NGC 1087. The Milky Way and NGC 1087 galaxy have jumpers — only NGC 1087 galaxy has a very…

  • Only 0.000002% of all the stars of the Milky Way we can see

    Only 0.000002% of all the stars of the Milky Way we can see

    According to conservative estimates, there are about 100 billion stars in the galaxy with the name “Milky Way”, scientists estimate (according to others – 400 billion). With the naked eye, a person can see no more than 10,000 stars, whether it is a lot or a little, you can judge. But the scale is still…

  • One light–year what is it equal to?

    One light–year what is it equal to?

    It is equal to ~ 10 trillion kilometers – this distance is simply unthinkable, it cannot be superimposed on something earthly to at least project in your head how far it is. You and I on Earth are used to correlating everything with the physical distances between two objects. Only in space, in its infinite…

  • Is there extraterrestrial life and what is their hostile attitude towards Earthlings?

    Is there extraterrestrial life and what is their hostile attitude towards Earthlings?

    Scientists suggest that approximately four hostile civilizations may inhabit the Milky Way, which are capable of invading the Earth. But again, in order not to scare you, these are assumptions built on indirect signs. Scientists still suggest that on some planets of the millions of planets in the Milky Way, on which extraterrestrial life may…