Category: Mysteries of Space

  • Can the universe be infinite?

    Can the universe be infinite?

    The universe can be infinite. But it may not be. We don’t know the final answer yet. To date , the following is known: — When it comes to the size of the universe, they mean the observable universe. It is not identical to the universe at all. We can observe the universe only from…

  • The mystery of an unknown space object has been revealed

    The mystery of an unknown space object has been revealed

    An international team of scientists has revealed the mysterious nature of the object PSR J2039−5617. It turned out that in the center of an unknown cosmic source of X-ray and gamma radiation is a pulsar that rotates around an evaporating star. In the system, the pulsar heats up one side of the satellite star, which…

  • Meteors can be multicolored

    Meteors can be multicolored

    Cameras can often capture colors in cases where the human eye does not distinguish them. The picture shows a meteor from the Quadrantid stream, photographed earlier this month in Missouri in the USA. It turned out to be not only very bright, but also multicolored. A grain of sand, probably ejected from the asteroid 2003…

  • Four supernovae erupted near Earth, changing its climate

    Four supernovae erupted near Earth, changing its climate

    According to a new study, supernova explosions occurring thousands of light-years from Earth could leave a mark on the biology and geology of our planet. A supernova that erupts near Earth could wipe human civilization off the face of the planet. However, even stars born far out in space can cause catastrophic damage by plunging…

  • What will happen to humanity, to the Earth, to the Solar system, the galaxy, and so on, if all gravity suddenly disappears?

    What will happen to humanity, to the Earth, to the Solar system, the galaxy, and so on, if all gravity suddenly disappears?

    All stars and planets retain their size and shape due to the balance between gravity, which tends to compress them, and pressure, which, on the contrary, tries to break them. If gravity disappears, then the balance between these two forces will be disrupted and the huge internal pressure will lead to the explosion of all…

  • “The “planets” may turn out to be the primary black hole

    “The “planets” may turn out to be the primary black hole

    Astronomers have long suspected that there is a mysterious planet on the outskirts of the Solar System that has yet to be discovered. The authors of the new hypothesis are sure that this is not a planet, but a primary black hole that has survived since the Big Bang. “Official science has not yet confirmed…

  • The strongest magnet in the universe gave unusual signals

    The strongest magnet in the universe gave unusual signals

    Astronomers have revealed the strange behavior of the radio-loud magnetar Swift J1818.0-1607, which is a neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field. Such objects are known as the strongest magnets in the universe. The magnetar was detected in March 2020 by a powerful X-ray flash. After that, the object gave unusual radio pulses, which…

  • Spiral galaxy NGC 4565

    Spiral galaxy NGC 4565

    The magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4565 is visible from the edge of the planet Earth. Because of its thin profile, it is often called the Needle Galaxy. The bright galaxy NGC 4565 is a good object for observations in the northern sky. She is in the faint but elegant constellation of Veronica’s Hair. This image…

  • Why does the starry sky rotate, but the North Star is stationary?

    Why does the starry sky rotate, but the North Star is stationary?

    The fact is that the rotation of the Earth around its axis is accompanied by the rotation of the axis itself (as the axis of a slowing spinning top begins to rotate). This effect is called precession. The precession cycle is about 28,000 years and is also known as the Platonic Year. That is, a…

  • For the first time, a planet with tectonic activity has been found outside the Solar System

    For the first time, a planet with tectonic activity has been found outside the Solar System

    Until now, researchers have not found evidence of global tectonic activity on planets outside the Solar System. However, recently a group of researchers found evidence of flows inside the planet LHS 3844b. It is located 45 light-years from Earth. “It is very difficult to observe signs of tectonic activity, because they are usually hidden under…