If light cannot leave the event horizon of a black hole, why does gravity leave it?

If we use only General Relativity, then gravity never leaves the event horizon. The mass of a black hole in the process of its evolution can only increase. However, the situation changes if we try to use quantum physics. However, it should be taken into account that there is no full-fledged theory of quantum gravity yet, so at the moment these are just assumptions. Such a phenomenon as the evaporation of black holes (through Hawking radiation has not yet been observed by anyone. The reason for this may be either the fact that such radiation does not actually exist, or the fact that this radiation is very weak and technically difficult to register.

Now scientists are trying to detect signals from the very last moments of the evaporation of small black holes. Theoretically, such signals should be very strong and they could be detected. But to do this , we need to assume the existence of so – called primary black holes . These are small-mass holes that could have formed immediately after the Big Bang, even before the formation of stars and galaxies.

The absence of such a signal may mean either the fact that Hawking radiation does not exist after all, or the fact that there are no primary black holes that would now be at the final stage of their evaporation.

Does the Earth’s gravitational field rotate?

This is quite an interesting question actually. How can we usually judge the rotation of some abstract field? By moving its power lines. However, the problem is that no one has ever seen the lines of force of the earth’s gravitational field (and indeed any gravitational field), no instruments have registered, and it is difficult to even guess the direction. For this reason, it was even decided to assume that the gravitational field as such does not exist in nature. And there is a curvature of space around massive bodies.

So, to paraphrase the question, does the Earth’s gravitational field rotate (the curvature of space)? Fortunately for us, the shape of the Earth is very different from the ideal ball, so its gravity is also not uniform at all. These “dips” and “peaks” are felt even by artificial satellites of the Earth. And it is quite clear that these inhomogeneities move after the daily rotation of the planet. So, even without seeing the lines of force and spatial “pits”, we can state with full confidence that the gravitational field of the Earth rotates together with the planet itself.

Dyson Spheres

In 2015, astronomer Tabeta Boyajian and her colleagues reported that a star at a distance of 1400 light-years from us sometimes dims quite a lot, which initially seemed extremely unusual. One explanation was the assumption that the luminary is surrounded by a Dyson sphere.

The idea, proposed many years ago by physicist Freeman Dyson, is that advanced civilizations may be building giant structures in space consisting of a swarm of solar panels. This helps them to collect enough starlight for the development of technology and life. Such structures can sometimes interfere with the passage of light from the star, causing periodic darkening visible from Earth.

Is it possible in the near future to launch a payload into space without using rockets?

In the near future, i.e. in 10-30 years, most likely nothing will change. The old grandfather’s method of using chemical-fueled rocket engines to detach from the Earth’s surface has proven itself perfectly, and fundamentally new methods are not being worked out yet.

Perhaps the rocket method has only one drawback – the cost, a huge astronomical cost, unbearable for most countries of the world, not to mention individual companies and individuals. Accordingly, the economic return from the space field is still negative. Much more money is invested than is earned. So thanks to this disadvantage, there will definitely be progress in the space field, but not soon.

I consider the technology of the space elevator to be the most promising of all the fantastic ideas available today without a rocket launch. The idea is very simple. At the equator, the cable is attached to the surface of the Earth, and a counterweight clings to its other end.

As a counterweight, it is best to use a gateway station. The work schedule of space trucks may not coincide with the work schedule of the elevator, warehousing is necessary.

Aliens look almost the same as humans

More and more complex molecules are found in meteorites that have fallen to Earth. And now a new study by Japanese scientists reports that all the key “letters” of the genetic alphabet, DNA and RNA have been found in the heavenly stones. But what is the genetic alphabet? These are adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil — in combination with sugars and phosphates.

Here’s what scientists say:
“The presence of five basic nitrogenous bases in meteorites indicates the origin of genetic codes before the emergence of life on the early Earth,” says the study’s lead author Yasuhiro Oba, an astrochemist at Hokkaido University in Japan.

In other words, the “bricks” for life did not just arrive from space to Earth, as they were cautiously said earlier. And not even individual letters of the “alphabet”. Everything is much more serious: already in space, “words” were composed of “letters”. This means that what we are, why we have two legs, two arms, and a smart head, was decided not on Earth, but still THERE. But where exactly?

Most likely, it was when there was not even the Sun yet. In the cold molecular clouds that filled the early empty universe. It was there that, under the influence of the light of the first generation of stars, chemical processes began to occur on dust particles, creating the structure of life on the yet unformed Earth. Then the Sun concentrated from the same dust. It caught fire due to thermonuclear reactions. From the remnants that did not fit on the Sun – planets. They also became incandescent under the influence of the energy of radioactive decay. What kind of life is there, lava and volcanoes everywhere. But then the Earth cooled down, and meteorites rained down on it. With a ready-made “alphabet” of life.

A space jellyfish appeared in space above the Earth

After the launch of the Agnara-1 rocket.2″ a rare phenomenon appeared in the sky from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

The trail of the space jellyfish hung for quite a long time. The jellyfish bloomed high in space, so if there was cloud cover, no one would have noticed it.

Space jellyfish is a phenomenon associated with the launch of space rockets. It can be observed when the sun does not illuminate the Earth, but its rays fall on the condensation trail of the rocket located at a great height.

People are often frightened of this phenomenon, massively reporting UFOs in the media, sometimes this leads to relapses in mentally unbalanced and nervous personalities. Those who are prone to individual phobias have panic episodes associated with the fear of nuclear bombing and alien invasion.

Mysterious temperature fluctuations recorded on Neptune

An international team of astronomers has recorded mysterious fluctuations in Neptune’s overall temperature, followed by a sharp warming of the south pole. The findings of the study are published in The Planetary Science Journal.

Experts analyzed infrared images of the most distant planet in the solar system, which were obtained over 17 years. It turned out that, despite the onset of summer on Neptune, most of the planet has cooled significantly over the past 20 years. The planet’s average temperature dropped eight degrees Celsius from 2003 to 2018. Summer on Neptune lasts 165 Earth years, and astronomers expected that with its arrival, the temperature of the planet would slowly increase, not decrease. In addition, the warming at the South Pole also raised a number of questions from scientists, as temperatures rose by 11 degrees Celsius between 2018 and 2020. Astronomers have never seen such a significant warming before.

So far, researchers have not figured out the causes of temperature anomalies on Neptune. It is assumed that they could be chemical changes in the stratosphere, random weather events or solar cycles. In the future, additional studies are planned, in particular, with the use of more powerful space telescopes, such as the James Webb telescope.

Scientists have discovered traces of extraterrestrial life inside a meteorite

Inside the Orgay meteorite that fell in 1864 in France, scientists have found traces of extraterrestrial life – ancient microorganisms that presumably existed before the Earth formed.

When Orgei fell to Earth, scientists who studied the meteorite began to find traces of organic matter in it, but then few people believed in it. Many felt that the luminaries of science, to put it mildly, wishful thinking.

Many researchers believe that it was meteorites that brought life to our planet.

Astronomers have caught a phenomenon that was previously predicted only theoretically – the passage of one star through the system of another

During the invasion, the “violator” caused disturbances in the protoplanetary disk of the “victim” and pulled out some of the dust and gas from it, creating an extended tail. The double star Z Canis Major, which was “attacked”, is located at 3750 sv. years from the Earth, and the age is estimated at 300 thousand years.

Similar perturbations seen in its protoplanetary disk have been observed before, but they were likely caused by the components of the evolving system themselves, and not by other stars.

The recorded event made astronomers think about how this interaction could affect the future of the Z Canis Major double star and the formation of planets in its system.

The Tunguska meteorite turned out to be a weighty curiosity

The Tunguska meteorite is a celestial body that fell in Siberia in the Podkamennaya Tunguska valley in 1908. This phenomenon is strange, first of all, because the search expeditions that have repeatedly worked at the crash site since the 1920s have not been able to find the remains of the meteorite itself. All that remained of it was a forest, radially felled by a high-altitude explosion, testimonies of witnesses and seismograms recorded in different countries of the Earth.

A group of scientists tried to estimate the parameters of a celestial body that could produce destruction on the Earth’s surface identical to those observed in 1908 – to knock down and partially char the taiga in an area of ​​2000 square meters. km. Experts went through about 50 million combinations of the size of the object, the constituent material and the parameters of its entry into the atmosphere. It turned out that the results most similar to the observed reality are obtained by a stone asteroid with a diameter of 50 to 90 meters (164-262 feet), entering the earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 54,000 km/h (34,000 miles/hour).

Having studied data on currently known asteroids whose orbits intersect the earth’s, the researchers came to the conclusion that collisions of the planet with asteroids of similar parameters should statistically be expected no more than once every thousand years.

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