Space debris problems are becoming a tragic reality

The problem existing in near-Earth orbit is space debris
129 million fragments are currently flying around our planet in orbit. Almost 34,000 or so, of which are 10 cm wide.

At the height of the ISS orbit, this debris moves around the Earth more than 7 km/sec — this is so fast that a collision with even a tiny fragment can put an end to the functioning of the ISS scientific station.

Note this hole in the outer skin of the ISS, obtained from a collision with an object the size of a grain of sand. It looks like just a collision with a grain of sand, but what if with 10 centimeter garbage?

The collision energy is due to the high velocity of the space object.

Apollo 1 was supposed to be the first manned flight under the program, but instead turned into a tragedy

There was a month left before the launch of the ship. During training, a very strong fire occurred in the cockpit of the ship. The crew members who were training there were killed.

The cause of the fire was a short circuit in the wiring and the use of an explosive oxygen-nitrogen mixture. When the fire started, the cabin door was closed, and the astronauts had no opportunity to get out. Later, the commission found that they died within 14 seconds after the start of the fire.

Crew members:
Gus Grissom is the first astronaut to make two flights into space.
Ed White is the first US astronaut to go into outer space.
Roger Chaffee – had no flights into space, this flight was supposed to be the first.

A research group is being recruited to study UFOs, NASA announced

NASA has organized the recruitment of an independent group of researchers to study unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP. Presented an updated term, which is now used to refer to UFOs.

NASA makes a statement that the study will take place in test mode and will take about 9 months. NASA stressed that so far there is no evidence of an extraterrestrial origin of the UAP.

If the universe moves according to certain laws, who established these laws?

The laws are not in the universe, but in the minds of people. Any law is just an explanation. Moreover, one of the possible explanations of the world. The laws of the world are the rails along which humanity moves through the frightening world. And these rails are laid by the person himself. He is weak, small, and weak compared to the surrounding world. He is afraid of the abyss, of getting lost in this world. And, of course, he paves the way for himself, noting the recurring moments of his existence. He formulates them in the form of laws that he attributes to the world. Without these guidelines, he will be like an animal that relies largely on instincts.

Every being in the world adapts to existence in it in his own way. Some with the help of force, others with the ability to fly or swim, to hear sensitively or to smell well. A person has “chosen” an adaptation for himself with the help of consciousness. He can do anything else worse. So consciousness sets him milestones, supports, gives him confidence, even called him in something

The James Webb Telescope collided with a micrometeorite between May 23 and May 25

NASA experts confirmed the information about the impact with an object the size of a grain of sand, saying that this will not affect the scientific program in any way. The telescope is still operating at a level exceeding all requirements, despite the resulting defect in the data. The analysis of the situation and all kinds of measurements continue.

The engineers were prepared for such events, and the mirror is designed so that it can withstand such cases. Moreover, JWST can adjust mirror segments to reduce the impact of impacts, compensating for distortion.

“Since the launch of the telescope, we have had 4 impacts with micrometeorites, for which we were ready. But the latter case exceeds the indicators, nevertheless, this impact will not affect the work of JWST and its scientific program in any way,” says the engineer of the Goddard Center, Cesari Taddeu.

Observations of 67 ancient quasars allowed astronomers to determine the end time of the reionization process

Observations of 67 ancient quasars allowed astronomers to determine the end time of the process of reionization of neutral intergalactic hydrogen gas formed as a result of the Big Bang.

It turned out that it lasted about 200 million longer than previously thought, and ended 1.1 billion years after the origin of the universe!

From its beginning to its current state, the universe has gone through various phases. During the first 380 thousand years after the Big Bang, it was filled with hot and dense ionized plasma. At the end of this period, the universe cooled down enough that protons and electrons began to combine into neutral hydrogen atoms. For the most part, there were no visible light sources in these “dark ages”.

After another 100 million years, the first stars and galaxies began to form, whose ultraviolet radiation subsequently ionized the gas filling the universe again. This era is known as the “cosmic dawn”. Today, all the hydrogen distributed between the galaxies is completely ionized, however, when this process was completed, a widely discussed topic in recent years.

Japanese scientists have discovered more than 20 different amino acids during the study of soil samples from the distant asteroid Ryugu

Japanese scientists during the study of soil samples from the distant asteroid Ryugu found more than 20 different amino acids that make up proteins. This may be a confirmation of the theory of the cosmic origin of the materials that form the basis of life on Earth.

NASA specialists managed to isolate isoleucine and valine, as well as glycine and glutamic acid in the sand from the asteroid. It is believed that amino acids were originally abundant on Earth when it appeared more than 4.5 billion years ago. However, then they could not survive the period when the Earth was covered with magma.

Until now, amino acids have been found in meteorites found on Earth. However, since their fragments were in contact with the earth’s surface and air, it cannot be ruled out that amino acids got into them after the fall. The samples taken from Ryugu can confirm the theory that amino acids were brought back to Earth by meteorites flying over the planet during its cooling.

Миссия Nasa DAVINCI приземлится на Венеру в 2031 году

DAVINCI is a flying laboratory of analytical chemistry. With the help of it, scientists are going to measure different aspects of the climate of Venus for the first time. Astronomers also plan to get the first image of the highlands of the planet to make up the relief of the surface. It’s impossible to do this from orbit.

The mission will also be able to measure the amount of unknown gases that exist in the deepest layers of the atmosphere. In particular, scientists are interested in the ratio of hydrogen isotopes. With it, you can understand whether there is liquid water on the planet.

As a result, scientists plan to obtain a huge amount of chemical, biological and visual data. These measurements will help to assess how the atmosphere of Venus has changed, find out if there are special types of rocks on it, for example, granite, and also find out if there are characteristic features of the landscape that speak of erosion or other formation processes.

The launch of DAVINCI is tentatively scheduled for June 2029, and the entry into the atmosphere of Venus is scheduled for June 2031.

NASA astronomers have discovered a “hellish” planet that continuously burns and emits lava flows

NASA has discovered the planet 55 Cancri e 50 light-years from Earth. It is too close to its star, which is why it constantly burns and emits lava flows. The conditions on the planet were compared to hell.

The temperature of the planet is several times higher than the melting point of metals, so huge red-hot rivers flow down it. The day side of the planet is covered with oceans of lava.

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NASA has commissioned Collins Aerospace and Axiom Space to develop a new generation of spacesuits

The new generation spacesuits are planned to be used on the ISS, as well as in the Artemis lunar program. The new spacesuits will allow astronauts to go into outer space in low Earth orbit from the ISS, as well as explore the lunar surface. Upon completion of the development, the spacesuits will remain the property of the companies, and NASA will act as their user.

NASA will certify the spacesuits during their development. The US Space Agency will also provide Collins Aerospace and Axiom Space with information obtained during the development of spacesuits by NASA specialists under the xEMU program (mobile system for extravehicular research).

It is assumed that the design of the new spacesuits will ensure their unhindered use by women. The contract provides for $ 3.5 billion to be allocated until 2034 for the development of spacesuits, but representatives of the department did not specify how much each of the companies will receive.

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