Photos from protoplanetary disks located around stars showed an interesting pattern

It is still believed that planets are formed in disks of gas and dust surrounding young stars whose age by cosmic standards is only a few million years

Astronomers studied the resulting images of the environment of 44 young stars. The analysis of observations led to the discovery of a young exoplanet the size of Jupiter and another brown dwarf. Scientists were able to identify clear differences in protoplanetary disks orbiting stars with different masses.

“The main purpose of observations of young stars is to find an answer to the fundamental question: how planets are formed. In particular, our review is aimed at those that are more massive than the Sun,”

Planets are thought to form in disks of their gas and dust that surround young stars only a few million years old. Previous observations have shown that there are often gaps in them that form rings and are probably the result of the interaction of the emerging worlds with the environment.

In order to expand the understanding of the origin of these features, astronomers conducted observations of a sample of 44 young stars, 35 of which had a protoplanetary disk.

“It turned out that protoplanetary disks orbiting stars with a mass of less than three solar ones, as a rule, have rings, while the environment of more massive stars is devoid of them. The key result of the observations is that, perhaps, the formation of planets in these two groups of stars proceeds differently,”

said Evan Rich, lead author of the study from the University of Michigan, USA.

Apollo 1 was supposed to be the first manned flight under the program, but instead turned into a tragedy

There was a month left before the launch of the ship. During training, a very strong fire occurred in the cockpit of the ship. The crew members who were training there were killed.

The cause of the fire was a short circuit in the wiring and the use of an explosive oxygen-nitrogen mixture. When the fire started, the cabin door was closed, and the astronauts had no opportunity to get out. Later, the commission found that they died within 14 seconds after the start of the fire.

Crew members:
Gus Grissom is the first astronaut to make two flights into space.
Ed White is the first US astronaut to go into outer space.
Roger Chaffee – had no flights into space, this flight was supposed to be the first.

What have scientists been looking for for two years in the clouds of Venus?

In September 2020, a group of American scientists allegedly reported the discovery of signs of phosphine in the upper atmosphere of Venus. Terrestrial microorganisms secrete this substance and hope seemed to be glimmering somewhere., These organisms do not need oxygen for life. This news became just a “bombshell” – a sensation, but only before another group of scientists did not point out an error in the study.
In the not too distant future, space probes will help us with some questions, including life in the clouds of Venus, but for now scientists are looking for an answer to this question in modeling chemical processes.

A group of scientists from the University of Cambridge investigated three possible metabolic schemes, during which microorganisms in the clouds of Venus could use the sulfur dioxide (SO2) found there with the release of by-products of vital activity. The chemical composition of the atmosphere of Venus has been studied more than once with the help of spectrometers and is approximately known. The simulation made it possible to calculate the volume of these putative metabolic products and compare them with the detected one. Calculations have shown that the actually observed concentrations of “metabolic” substances do not reach the level of probable microbial life in the clouds of Venus. There is no life there, British scientists say.

Oddly enough, the recently launched James Webb space telescope can help in the search for signs of microbial life in the clouds of Venus, it is still working in test mode, but it will be operational soon. This telescope “James Webb” is able to catch even an asteroid flying through the Solar system in its “eyes”, and its spectrometers will easily reveal the molecular composition of both distant stars and the atmosphere of Venus.
We are waiting impatiently for news from the near space

Scientists have discovered a new “multi-planetary” system 33 light-years from Earth

Two super-earths orbit one cold M-dwarf HD 260655, and the entire system is only 10 parsecs away, or about 33 light-years from us.

The first planet, HD 260655 b, orbits the star in 2.8 days and is about twice as massive as Earth. The second planet, HD 260655 c, is further away and orbits the star in 5.7 days, it is three times more massive than Earth.
Despite the fact that the dwarf star is much colder than our Sun, the planets are still very close to it, so they are hot, which means they are outside the habitable zone. According to experts, the temperature on the inner planet is 437 °C, on the outer – about 287 °C.

Therefore, liquid water is unlikely to exist on the surfaces of these planets, respectively, and life on these planets. Although the planets are uninhabitable, their relative proximity to the niche Earth and the brightness of the cold M-dwarf HD 260655, will allow scientists to thoroughly study the atmosphere of these planets.

Curious finds on Mars

The Curiosity spacecraft found strange shapes on Mars that look like sharp spikes

The SETI Research Institute has created a note that these spikes are most likely cemented fillings of ancient cracks in sedimentary rock. The rest of the Martian rock was of softer rock and therefore collapsed from erosion.

We present to you another interesting find provided by the Perseverance rover on Mars, Sol 467, Mastcam-Z camera.

Kevin Gill worked with the data.

The photo shows a trio of interacting galaxies

The distance to the Earth is 90 million sv. years. They are located in the constellation Virgo.

On the far side, two stars are visible, surrounded by diffraction rays, belonging to our Milky Way, their colors echo the shades of extragalactic objects, reminding that the stars of our Galaxy are no different from the stars in distant island universes.

The huge galaxy NGC 5566 – the dominant member of the trio – shows swirling spiral arms and bands of light-absorbing dust. A small bluish galaxy NGC 5569 is visible directly above it.

Near the center there is a third galaxy – NGC 5560, it is elongated and distorted by interaction with the massive NGC 5566.
The trio is included in the Atlas of Pecular Galaxies compiled in 1966 by Hulton Arp as Arp 286.

Comet Bernardinelli will fly by the Earth at a relatively small distance by cosmic standards

Comet Bernstein was discovered not so long ago in 2014

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to see the passage of this celestial body without the “armed eye”, since the minimum distance at which the comet will fly from the earth will be one billion km. However, by the standards of space, this is “scanty”, so astrophysicists and many space lovers will closely monitor this space object.

According to scientists, comet Bernardinelli — Bernstein was discovered quite recently in 2014 and now it is located at a distance of about three billion km from our planet. While it is not in the Solar System, it will arrive there only by 2031.

The celestial body will follow, among other things, not far from the orbit of Saturn, after which it will follow the Oort cloud for more than two million years. Experts note that comet C/2014 UN271 has never been in the Solar System and does not pose any threat to the Earth.

The coming winter on Mars disrupted the operation of the sensors of the Ingenuity drone

The inclinometer of the Ingenuity Martian helicopter failed — this was affected as a result of a strong decrease in the night temperature of the environment as a result of the onset of winter on Mars. Now the copter will use an inertial measurement module to assess roll and pitch before takeoff, which will take over the functions of an inclinometer, according to the NASA website.

Ingenuity became the first mini unmanned helicopter to make a controlled flight in the atmosphere of Mars, and indeed another planet. His work on Mars has been calculated as a year and a half. He has already managed to perform 28 flights and fly a total of almost seven kilometers. The drone successfully coped with a number of technical problems. The onset of the Martian winter and the low temperatures of the Martian environment, the dustiness of the atmosphere, this increasingly complicates his work, since the helicopter was designed for a short flight program during the Martian summer. In other temperature conditions
After a malfunction of the battery in mid-May led to the loss of communication between the drone and the Ground, engineers developed a new work program for it for the winter period. According to it, Ingenuity should turn off at night, and in the morning warm up, charge the battery and restart your computer. However, such actions increase the risk of failure of electronic components of the drone.

On June 6, 2022, engineers reported that the drone’s inclinometer, used to control orientation before flight and included in the navigation system, failed, which is associated with the influence of low temperatures. As a result, specialists had to develop a new work plan with the navigation system before each drone takeoff. Now the functions of the inclinometer will be performed by an inertial measuring module, in the near future the drone team will transfer the software update for the navigation system to the drone. Only then will preparations for the 29th flight begin.

Let’s hope that our copter will fulfill its mission to the end, and will continue to work in such extreme conditions.

The fastest young star was found by astronomers

A nova is a sudden explosion of the brightest light that occurs in two—star systems. Every new young star comes from a white dwarf. A white dwarf is a very dense remnant of a star’s core—and from a nearby companion star.

Over time, the white dwarf pulls matter out of its victim, heats it up. Then there is a powerful flash, an outburst of energy, which throws out matter at the highest speed.

Usually a bright new star disappears in two weeks, rarely the time can be longer. But on June 12, 2021, astronomers recorded a new star V1674 Hercules, which flashed so brightly that it could be seen with the naked eye. A little more than a day later, she became weak again. It’s like someone turned a flashlight on and off. Previously, the fastest new star was recorded in 1991.

Every 501 seconds in V1674 Hercules, its oscillation occurs, which can be seen both in visible light waves and in X-rays.
A year has passed since its explosion and the brightness of this star continues to fluctuate.

Jupiter is also called a failed star by astronomers

Not a suitable description, but it needs to be sorted out.
This planet doesn’t have enough mass. Jupiter, like the stars, is rich in hydrogen and helium. But to cause thermonuclear reactions to occur in its core. This is exactly the process (fusion of hydrogen atoms) by which stars generate their energy, light and heat. This was made possible thanks to their huge mass. Jupiter needs to increase its mass at least 70 times in order to ignite the process of nuclear fusion and become a star. If there was such an opportunity and it would be possible to connect several planets like Jupiter together, then you would have a chance to create a new star, but this is just a fantasy.

However, unfortunately, our gas giant will always remain so without any hopes of becoming a star.

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