Japanese scientists have discovered more than 20 different amino acids during the study of soil samples from the distant asteroid Ryugu
Japanese scientists during the study of soil samples from the distant asteroid Ryugu found more than 20 different amino acids that make up proteins. This may be a confirmation of the theory of the cosmic origin of the materials that form the basis of life on Earth. NASA specialists managed to isolate isoleucine and valine,…
Astronomers have discovered an interesting exoplanet
Astronomers have discovered an interesting exoplanet: it orbits the red dwarf Ross 508, which is relatively close to the Solar System. Its radius and mass are five times smaller than the radius and mass of the Sun. During measurements of the radial velocity of Ross 508, astronomers discovered deviations caused by the gravity of its…
Along with seasickness, there is also space sickness, which, obviously, only astronauts suffer from
Space sickness is a condition experienced by about half of all astronauts when adapting to weightlessness. According to the symptoms, the condition is similar to seasickness: decreased appetite, dizziness, headache, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting sometimes occurs, spatial illusions. All these effects usually go away on the first day. The astronaut’s unhealthy state arises due to…
Where does the color of the Northern Lights come from?
The color of the radiance is formed due to the fact that particles of the solar wind hit the molecules of our air. Air consists of nitrogen and oxygen. These molecules are excited and then quite quickly (seconds) give off the excitation energy in the form of radiation of a strictly defined wavelength (stripes in…
New record: An ultramassive black hole with a new record mass has been discovered
Найденная черная дыра весит как 40 миллиардов солнц (предыдущие рекорды принадлежат черным дырам с массой 20 и 17 миллиардов солнц). Измерения массы были проведены напрямую по динамике звезд в ее окрестностях (самый точный и достоверный метод). Расстояние до «рекордной» черной дыры составляет около 700 миллионов световых лет, что довольно значительно даже по космическим меркам. Логично,…
What will happen to the Earth if a black hole forms in place of the Sun?
For starters, the Sun will never become a black hole. This threatens only massive stars, to which the Sun does not belong. In the future, our star will expand and turn into a red giant, and then, most likely, will form a beautiful planetary nebula. If a black hole with a solar mass suddenly turned…
Super-Earths are the most likely candidates for the existence of extraterrestrial life
Super-earths are the most likely candidates for the existence of extraterrestrial life, but hypothetical alien civilizations living on super-earths cannot leave their planets due to the large force of gravity. For example, take the exoplanet Kepler-20b. It is about 70% larger than Earth in size, and almost 10 times larger in mass. On such a…
Миссия Nasa DAVINCI приземлится на Венеру в 2031 году
DAVINCI is a flying laboratory of analytical chemistry. With the help of it, scientists are going to measure different aspects of the climate of Venus for the first time. Astronomers also plan to get the first image of the highlands of the planet to make up the relief of the surface. It’s impossible to do…
In the neighboring system , at a distance of 12.5 light-years from us , two exoplanets as similar to Earth as possible have been discovered
The discovered exoplanets, called Teegarden b and Teegarden c, are only slightly larger than our Earth, but in general they resemble it very much. Teegarden b even took first place in the list of potentially habitable exoplanets, scoring the highest score on the Earth similarity index. This index is used to approximate the suitability of…
Can another planet fit between Mars and Earth?
A simple instantaneous addition of an Earth-mass planet with an orbit located somewhere in the middle between the orbits of Earth and Mars, moving in the plane of the ecliptic in the same direction with the first cosmic (for its distance) speed will not change anything. It is easy to verify this by conducting a…