Asteroid Dimorph “lost weight” by a thousand tons as a result of the DART impact

The Dimorph ram took place on September 26, 2022. A few minutes after the impact, the Italian cubesat LICIACube made a close flyby of the asteroid.

The pictures he took showed that the impact knocked out a large amount of matter from the surface of the Dimorph. According to experts, during the subsequent analysis of the cubesat images, they even managed to detect the shadows cast by the fragments of the Dimorph on the surface of Didymus.

In addition, the Dimorph has acquired a bright comet-like tail stretching for thousands of kilometers. Despite the fact that several months have passed since the impact, it can still be seen on telescope images.

Incredible image of the Sun’s activity

In 2014, photographer and amateur astronomer Matt Malloy created an incredible image of the Sun’s activity by combining a huge number of photos transmitted to Earth by NASA’s SDO Solar Dynamics Space Observatory.

To create the image, Molloy used images taken between September 1 and October 8 of the same year. The author of the composition did not specify how many photos he used in total, but it is possible to calculate:

Every second, SDO transmits a new image of the Sun to Earth. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, which means the same number of pictures were transmitted every day. In 38 days, 3,283,200 photos were received. It turns out that Molloy worked with about so many photos of our luminary.

Juno will explore a volcanic satellite

The Juno probe, operating in the Jupiter system since 2016, continues to study its satellites. On December 15, scientists sent a team to it, which will transfer it to a new orbit. On it, the device will be able to teach Io during close flights.

Juno has previously studied the other two of Jupiter’s four major moons — Ganymede and Europa. In the first case, it caused a real flurry of scientific work on the largest satellite of the Solar System. In the second, which occurred in the fall of 2022, data processing is still ongoing, but people have already managed to admire the first 3D images of this icy world.

Astronomers have discovered anomalies in the cores of red giants

Red giants are dying stars in advanced stages of stellar evolution that have depleted the hydrogen reserves in their cores. Astronomers have discovered new evidence that red giants experience “disruptions”—abrupt structural changes—in their inner core.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to look directly inside the star. However, a method called asteroseismology, which measures fluctuations similar to “earthquakes” in stars, can give an indirect idea of the depths of stars. “Glitches” can affect these fluctuations or the frequencies and trajectories of gravitational and sound waves passing through the bowels of the star.

As the researchers explain: “Waves propagating inside stars cause minute changes in stellar brightness, which can be detected with the help of high-precision space instruments. These waves show the conditions of the medium in which they propagate, that is, the physical properties of the stellar interiors.”

Astronomers have found a potentially habitable exoplanet near a red dwarf

Super-Earth LP 890-9 c is located within the habitable zone of its star, a calm and “soft” red dwarf. According to the authors of the find, this is the second in the list of the most promising candidates for the presence of life outside the Solar system.

Two exoplanets from the class of super-earths have been found near a star located 114 light-years away. One of them is located within the “habitable zone”, in an area where the temperature is moderate enough and allows liquid water to remain on the surface of the planet, which is considered a key condition for the emergence of life.

The meteorite NWA 7034 has a second, more poetic name: “Black Beauty”

It was found in the Moroccan part of the Sahara Desert in 2011. Scientists immediately determined that it was a fragment of Martian rock. At the moment, the “Beauty” is recognized as the oldest sample from the surface of Mars!

The basalt that forms its basis froze 4.44-4.48 billion years ago, or just a hundred million years after the birth of the Solar System itself.

She is literally “as old as the world”

Asteroid 2015 RN35 will approach Earth on December 15

“Asteroid 2015 RN35 is large enough and will fly very close so that amateur astronomers can observe it,” scientists say.

It was called the “Christmas asteroid” and specified that it reaches 140 m in diameter.

Residents of the Southern hemisphere of the Earth will be able to observe it.

It is reported that the asteroid will approach our planet at a distance of 680 thousand km, so it does not pose a danger to humanity in the near future.

The Perseverance rover recorded the sound of a Martian dust vortex passing over it

With the help of a microphone mounted on the SuperCam instrument, the Perseverance rover working in the Lake crater managed to record the sound that accompanied the passage of a dust vortex over it.

It was possible to calculate that the vortex was 25 meters across and 118 meters high. He was moving at a speed of 5.3 meters per second.

The sound of grains of sand hitting the rover made it possible to determine three dust waves inside the vortex. At the same time, the densest one turned out to be in its center, although usually the concentration of dust is lower in the heart of such vortices. Probably the reason is that this vortex was only nascent.

The solar system is surrounded by mysterious light pollution

Scientists conducted a study based on observations of the Hubble telescope. The results indicate the presence of a mysterious glow surrounding the Solar System, which may lead to a revision of the model of its structure.

200 thousand Hubble images were sorted. The light of planets, stars, galaxies, asteroids and other known objects of observation was removed from them. As a result, an excess of observed light was detected, which is equivalent to the glow of ten fireflies scattered throughout the sky.

One possible explanation for this glow may be the reflection of sunlight from a sphere of minute dust that was created by comets penetrating from the outer layers of the Solar System. Such a dust shell could become a new component of the Solar System, which is usually not taken into account in its structure.

Parker Solar Probe undergoes another approach to the Sun

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe continues to travel around the Sun and explore its atmosphere. Today is the 14th rendezvous of the spacecraft with our star. At the closest point to the surface of the Sun, Parker Solar Probe was located at a distance of 8.5 million kilometers. At that time, he was moving at a speed of 586,829 km/h.

The device continues to collect data, which is then analyzed and investigated by scientists working on the mysteries of the Sun. At the same time, the current rapprochement will not be a record for this mission.
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