A unique neutron star was found in the “galactic cemetery”

The MeerKAT radio telescope has discovered a new type of neutron star. It rotates extremely slowly, making one revolution in 76 seconds. The authors believe that a new class of neutron stars has been found. The unique neutron star was named PSR J0901-4046.

A neutron star emits at least seven different types of pulses, some of which occur at regular intervals. The incoming bursts are similar to pulsars and magnetars with an ultra-long period at the same time. In addition, scientists have recorded fast radio bursts — short bursts of radio emission in random places in the sky.

Astrophysicists believe that PSR J0901-4046 may belong to the theoretical class of super—long-period magnetars – stars with extremely strong magnetic fields. Scientists note that the discovery was made in a region of the galaxy in which they did not expect to detect pulsation — in the “cemetery of neutron stars”.

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