Astronomers have observed the explosion of a white dwarf for the first time

In July 2020, a group of European scientists using the German eROSITA X—ray telescope recorded an unusually bright explosion of a white dwarf – it generated a huge fireball with a temperature 60 times higher than the temperature of the Sun.

White dwarfs are extremely dense stars that have lost a significant part of the gaseous matter. Being in a binary system, a white dwarf pumps out hydrogen from its “neighbor”, which accumulates on the surface of the star. Sometimes because of this, strong energy emissions are produced, which are called new, and one of them was observed by European scientists in July 2020.

The explosion was so powerful that it was illuminated in the eROSITA image — the telescope was calibrated to work with lower-strength radiation, but astronomers managed to compensate for this error. Scientists have determined that the white dwarf is relatively large, and its mass is comparable to the mass of the Sun. The temperature of the explosion reached 327 thousand. Who is 60 times higher than the sun.

Moon dust

In 1972, Jack Schmitt and Gene Cernan were so carried away by the role of the last people on the moon in history that they forgot to “wipe their feet” before entering their lander. Which, in general, is quite surprising, because they already knew how terrible this moon dust is.

During the mission, she had already managed to forget all the joints of their spacesuits. So much so that they couldn’t move normally. At the same time, the dust was so sharp that it rubbed three layers of Kevlar-like fabric on their shoes!

Because of such inattention, this very moon dust got inside their ship, and they had to fly with it all the way home. Constantly making sure she doesn’t kill them.

How to defeat weightlessness in a spaceship? Is it possible to implement this?

If we discard all sorts of fantastic artificial gravity generators, then there is one way – to use centrifugal force, realizing the rotation of a segment of the ship, or even the entire ship. However, the gravity there will be somewhat strange – local at each point, i.e. crew members will be able to walk freely on the walls and ceiling (from the point of view of other crew members), and this gravity will spread only to the rotating part. Well, in order for it to work, you need a person to start rotating with this section.

Mars Probe InSight mission to end this year due to power problems

The mission of the InSight Mars probe will end this year due to power problems, said Thomas Zurbuchen, head of NASA’s Directorate for Scientific Missions.

“NASA’s InSight Mars lander is gradually losing power. It is expected that he will finish conducting scientific research this summer. By December, experts expect that the device will stop working, thereby completing the mission, which has so far recorded more than 1,300 marsquakes,” Zurbuchen wrote on Twitter.

He added that the information gathered during the study of Martian earthquakes allowed scientists to study the depth and composition of the crust, mantle and core of the Red Planet. The device also collected important meteorological data and investigated the remnants of the magnetic field of Mars that existed in the distant past.

The winds emitted by supermassive black holes in the first billions of years of the universe’s existence were much stronger than modern ones

They were so powerful that they actually slowed down the growth of the black holes from which they emanated.

Using the X-shooter receiver mounted on the ESO Very Large Telescope, astronomers studied 30 quasars observed in an era when the age of the Universe was from 500 million to 1 billion years. It turned out that they are the source of extremely powerful winds. Their speed reaches 17% of the speed of light and they are 20 times more powerful than the winds in quasars observed in the epoch 4 billion years after the Big Bang.

At the dawn of the universe, black holes grew much faster than their host galaxies. Then some kind of restrictive mechanism began to operate, bringing their growth in line with the growth rate of galaxies. It was the winds that became this mechanism. The energy released by them was so great that it interfered with the accretion of matter into black holes, slowing their rapid growth.

Thus, they entered a phase of “coevolution” with their galaxies, which continues to this day.

If the Earth was turned to the Sun with only one side, would we be able to exist?

If the Earth were under the action of tidal capture, then there would be intense heat on one side, and intense cold on the other. In either case, the existence of higher forms of protein life would be impossible. Nevertheless, in the twilight zone, as shown in another answer, the temperature would be average, i.e. acceptable.

Also in this case, strong air currents would be observed. In the case of a temperature drop, there is always a pressure drop that causes wind. It, in turn, causes temperature equalization. Creatures living in the twilight zone would have evolved and, in order not to become blown away by the wind, would have become very heavy and with long prehensile claws. Well, that is, they would be unlike us.

The danger of space debris

Space debris falls to Earth from time to time. Large objects that move in sufficiently low orbits may eventually enter the atmosphere. Their speed slows down, they fall and partially burn up. And already individual fragments reach the surface of our planet.

So Lottie Williams suffered from the wreckage of one of the stages of the Delta-2 launch vehicle in 1997 in Oklahoma. A piece of metal hit her right in the shoulder. The woman was very surprised by such a miracle. A few days later, she became a real news star.

But it was just a chip. Was there more? Yes. The largest artificial object that has fallen to Earth over the past five centuries is the Mir orbital station, which was flooded in the Pacific Ocean in 2001. It looks very much like the Titanic.

Astronomers have discovered four new brown dwarfs

Despite the fact that brown dwarfs emit very little energy compared to ordinary stars, astronomers have managed to identify quite a few such objects to date. However, their findings in star systems are still rare. The more interesting is the recent discovery made by a team of European astronomers. They managed to find four previously unknown brown dwarfs at once, which are stellar companions.

Astronomers have selected 25 stars showing significant differences in their own motion between different astrometric catalogs. Next, they examined them using the SPHERE instrument installed on the Very Large ESO Telescope.

In total, the researchers managed to find ten previously unknown stellar companions. Six are luminaries, four are brown dwarfs. They received the designation HIP 21152 B, HIP 29724 B, HD 60584 B and HIP 63734 B.

All newly found brown dwarfs revolve around young luminaries whose age does not exceed a billion years. Their masses range from 0.012 to 0.063 solar masses, orbits pass at a distance of 6.3 to 30 au from their parent stars.

What alternative theories of the origin of the universe do you know?

In fact, there is only one alternative theory of the Big Bang – this is the theory of an eternal and infinite Universe in eternal cycles: gas-stars-gas-…, stars- white dwarfs, neutron stars – gas – …, hydrogen – helium – heavy elements – hydrogen-… .

The theory of the divine creation of the Universe is the sister of the Big Bang theory, because, after all, it does not matter whether the universe was created by divine providence or physical fantasy.

Another alternative to the Big Bang was put forward – the Bondi-Gold-Hoyle theory of continuous creation, which tried to combine the expansion of the Universe with its apparent immutability.

A magnitude 5 earthquake has occurred on Mars

On May 5, the most powerful Mars earthquake was recorded on Mars for all the years of observations. Its magnitude reached 5 points on the Richter scale, which became a record after a push in August last year with an amplitude of 4.2 points.

A little later we will post an audio recording of the marsquake recorded using the InSight device.

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