How can space expand faster than the speed of light?

Space cannot expand faster than the speed of light (“the speed of expansion of space” is generally a confusing term, to determine “speed” you need to at least set the size/volume of space).

You probably meant the fact that there are objects (located behind the Hubble sphere) that are moving away from the observer (i.e. from us) at a speed greater than the speed of light.

Yes, such a fact takes place. But this is NOT “the expansion of space faster than the speed of light.”

NASA plans to accelerate the arrival of aliens on planet Earth

NASA experts have reported on the possibility of contacting an alien intelligence. Scientists were united in the Beacon in the Galaxy project. We are talking about employees of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and experts from leading universities in China, the Netherlands and Britain.

It turned out that a letter was written for the aliens, including various information. This includes data from the human body, information about exactly where our planet is located.

The aliens will either arrive on Earth, or simply send a reply message to people. In addition, some scientists admit that aliens will want to attack earthlings.

NASA astronomers shocked people with their statement.

Experts have found out that already this Sunday evening a giant asteroid will approach the Earth.

Experts have found out that an asteroid 500 meters in size is capable of causing serious damage if it collides with the planet. Scientists consider the cosmic body to be “potentially dangerous” because it will sweep at a distance of 5.6 million kilometers. This is considered a relatively small distance for space. Astronomers have calculated that the speed of the asteroid when passing by the Earth will be 29 thousand kilometers per hour.

To date, 25 thousand such bodies are listed in the register. If asteroids change the trajectory of their movement even a little, it can turn into a serious catastrophe for the Earth.

NASA has created a “virtual Mars” on the Unreal Engine 5

Space agency specialists use the Unreal Engine 5 engine from Epic Games to create a virtual reality environment that will help prepare astronauts for life on the Red Planet.

Novice astronauts will be able to simulate various aspects of life on Mars, starting with the construction of a home base, performing its maintenance and ending with riding an all-terrain vehicle with detailed scientific research.

You can design your own scenarios for working on a virtual planet using the NASA XOSS MarsXR Editor.

NASA offers a prize fund of $70,000 to the participant who performs the best actions in five categories:

“Setting up a camp”, that is, the construction of an initial base;
“Scientific research” — everything related to the study of the surface of Mars;
“Maintenance”, including work with automated robots;
“Research”, that is, the creation of tools for movement;
“Blow Our Minds” is something unique and extraordinary.

All successful applications will be added to the Mars XR simulation, which, although still at an early stage, already has 400 square kilometers of Mars terrain programmed with realistic weather conditions, gravity, as well as day and night shifts.

Chinese rover “Zhuzhong” found traces of water at its landing site

The Chinese rover “Zhuzhong” has found evidence that water remained on Mars in liquid form much longer than previously thought. It is believed that Mars was wet at least 3 billion years ago — during the so—called Hesperian period, named after the Hesperides plateau – and later became dry and cold.

The data obtained by the rover suggests that there was water in the Utopia basin at a time when it should have already been dry and cold.

If light cannot leave the event horizon of a black hole, why does gravity leave it?

If we use only General Relativity, then gravity never leaves the event horizon. The mass of a black hole in the process of its evolution can only increase. However, the situation changes if we try to use quantum physics. However, it should be taken into account that there is no full-fledged theory of quantum gravity yet, so at the moment these are just assumptions. Such a phenomenon as the evaporation of black holes (through Hawking radiation has not yet been observed by anyone. The reason for this may be either the fact that such radiation does not actually exist, or the fact that this radiation is very weak and technically difficult to register.

Now scientists are trying to detect signals from the very last moments of the evaporation of small black holes. Theoretically, such signals should be very strong and they could be detected. But to do this , we need to assume the existence of so – called primary black holes . These are small-mass holes that could have formed immediately after the Big Bang, even before the formation of stars and galaxies.

The absence of such a signal may mean either the fact that Hawking radiation does not exist after all, or the fact that there are no primary black holes that would now be at the final stage of their evaporation.

How many suns can a planet have?

Planets with two suns, such as in Star Wars, are not uncommon, especially on a cosmic scale. Three suns are much rarer, however, there are such cases.

The question of how many suns a planet can have in principle is quite complicated. The fact is that the approximate distance at which the stars stop interacting is tens of thousands of astronomical units. Within these limits, even objects that are very far from each other are connected by invisible forces, which are also constantly distorted due to the effects of black holes. Nevertheless, the equilibrium point can theoretically be found.

The Polish astronomer, who calculated the location of the “three-sun” planet back in 2007, believes that this is not surprising. “As long as the companion stars do not prevent the planet from forming, such a system will be stable. I see no reason why, for example, five—star systems that are in gravitational equilibrium cannot exist,” he believes.

American researchers cite our Solar System as an example, in which there are many moons, but 9 satellites of Jupiter do not affect the Earth in any way. So the stars, being in the same system, may not have a destructive effect on their planet.

Does the Earth’s gravitational field rotate?

This is quite an interesting question actually. How can we usually judge the rotation of some abstract field? By moving its power lines. However, the problem is that no one has ever seen the lines of force of the earth’s gravitational field (and indeed any gravitational field), no instruments have registered, and it is difficult to even guess the direction. For this reason, it was even decided to assume that the gravitational field as such does not exist in nature. And there is a curvature of space around massive bodies.

So, to paraphrase the question, does the Earth’s gravitational field rotate (the curvature of space)? Fortunately for us, the shape of the Earth is very different from the ideal ball, so its gravity is also not uniform at all. These “dips” and “peaks” are felt even by artificial satellites of the Earth. And it is quite clear that these inhomogeneities move after the daily rotation of the planet. So, even without seeing the lines of force and spatial “pits”, we can state with full confidence that the gravitational field of the Earth rotates together with the planet itself.

Ingenuity temporarily stopped responding to requests

At the end of last week, the Ingenuity helicopter managed to restore communication with the Perseverance rover after a short-term disruption: its onboard computer turned off due to lack of power.

Ingenuity was put into a state of reduced power consumption because the charge of six lithium-ion batteries fell below a critical level. Now the heating will turn on at -40°C, previously it happened at -15 °C. The problem is probably related to the approach of winter. At this time, more dust appears in the Martian atmosphere, and temperatures drop lower. Dust blocks some of the sunlight falling on the solar panel of the helicopter, which charges its batteries.

Over the next 10 weeks, it will only get colder on Mars, so it’s hard to guess how long the helicopter will be able to heat its batteries. To date, Ingenuity has made 28 flights and we can only hope that the helicopter will be able to make a few more.

Why don’t a lot of artificial satellites orbiting our orbit collide with each other?

Now there are more than 3,000 active satellites in Earth orbit, and the same number of those that have already failed. In total, there are more than 100 million fragments in near-Earth orbits. These fragments are space debris ranging in size from 1 mm.

The dimensions of near-Earth space are quite large. But if we consider this space in numbers, taking into account the various possible heights even for satellites in low Earth orbit, from 160 to 2,000 km above the Earth’s surface, 1 satellite or object accounts for about 13,000 cubic kilometers. This is not so much, a little more than half the volume of Lake Baikal. And given the speed of more than 28,000 km per hour with which they move, and how many times a day such debris and satellites rotate around the Earth, the chances of a collision will be quite large.

For example, in 2009, the Iridium satellite collided with a spent space device. The results of this accident are the destruction of the satellite and 2,300 elements of large space debris in near—Earth space that threaten the space infrastructure.

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