The LISA space gravity interferometer project has passed the preliminary verification phase and has been approved

Now scientists will start working on the project in detail, the launch is scheduled for the mid-2030s

LISA will consist of three spacecraft located at a distance of 2.5 million kilometers from each other. The devices will be “connected” by laser beams that allow measuring the curvature of space-time. Such a giant interferometer detector larger than the Earth is needed to detect gravitational waves from supermassive black holes, and from events that occurred shortly after the Big Bang – they all produce gravitational waves of very low frequency.

In the USA, a centrifuge cannon was tested to launch satellites into space

Launching satellites using traditional rockets is quite expensive. In this regard, many engineers are looking for alternative ways: for example, to launch miniature rockets from high-flying aircraft.

Spin Launch is developing one of these alternative methods. According to its concept, the device is unwound in a centrifuge with centripetal acceleration up to 10 thousand g, after which it is released and it flies up into the pipe. During the test, a projectile similar to a large bullet flew out of the A-33 “Suborbital Mass Accelerator” at a speed of 1600 kilometers per hour. The flight took 82 seconds, the projectile reached a height of 7620 meters.

During this launch, the accelerator was not working at full capacity. After completion of the work, the full-scale L100 accelerator will have to shoot a 200-kilogram load at a speed of 8000 kilometers per hour into the stratosphere, after which the rocket engines would finish the maneuver and put the device into a stable orbit.

The star from the constellation Aquarius recorded six planets

The star K2-138 is located at a distance of 792 light-years from our planet. It is colder than the Sun. Back in 2018, astronomers received data about the star using the Kepler orbiting telescope. Then they determined that five planets revolve around the star K2-138. It also turned out that the planets revolve around their star in concentric circles, forming a densely packed planetary system, unlike our elliptical and vast Solar System.

Recently, researchers again analyzed data on the star K2-138. As a result, they were able to record a sixth planet, the existence of which they did not suspect a few years ago.

Some planets may be more habitable than Earth

Earth doesn’t have to be the best planet in the universe. There are already two dozen known planets outside our Solar System that may have conditions more suitable for life than on Earth.

Potential “superhabitable” planets may be significantly older, slightly larger, slightly warmer, and possibly wetter than Earth. Life could also develop more easily on planets that orbit slowly changing stars with longer lifespans than our Sun. All 24 main contenders for the title of “super-survivability” are located at a distance of more than 100 light-years from us.

Being habitable does not mean that there is definitely life on these planets, it’s just conditions conducive to life.

Aliens look almost the same as humans

More and more complex molecules are found in meteorites that have fallen to Earth. And now a new study by Japanese scientists reports that all the key “letters” of the genetic alphabet, DNA and RNA have been found in the heavenly stones. But what is the genetic alphabet? These are adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil — in combination with sugars and phosphates.

Here’s what scientists say:
“The presence of five basic nitrogenous bases in meteorites indicates the origin of genetic codes before the emergence of life on the early Earth,” says the study’s lead author Yasuhiro Oba, an astrochemist at Hokkaido University in Japan.

In other words, the “bricks” for life did not just arrive from space to Earth, as they were cautiously said earlier. And not even individual letters of the “alphabet”. Everything is much more serious: already in space, “words” were composed of “letters”. This means that what we are, why we have two legs, two arms, and a smart head, was decided not on Earth, but still THERE. But where exactly?

Most likely, it was when there was not even the Sun yet. In the cold molecular clouds that filled the early empty universe. It was there that, under the influence of the light of the first generation of stars, chemical processes began to occur on dust particles, creating the structure of life on the yet unformed Earth. Then the Sun concentrated from the same dust. It caught fire due to thermonuclear reactions. From the remnants that did not fit on the Sun – planets. They also became incandescent under the influence of the energy of radioactive decay. What kind of life is there, lava and volcanoes everywhere. But then the Earth cooled down, and meteorites rained down on it. With a ready-made “alphabet” of life.

The exact year in which life will cease to exist on Earth was named by scientists from the NASA space agency

They managed to figure it out thanks to a large-scale computer model that has been run more than 400,000 times.

According to calculations, the last day for life on Earth should come in the year 1000 002 021. It is at this moment that deoxygenation will reach peak values – an inevitable consequence of an increase in solar fluxes. The process of exchange of restoring energy flows between the planet’s mantle and a system consisting of the ocean, atmosphere and crust, was able to accurately simulate a computer. The named date is not final, because it may shift downwards. But nevertheless, humanity still has 1 billion years to choose a new habitat.

The chief astrophysicist of Great Britain Martin Rees called the plans of the founder of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk to colonize Mars a dangerous delusion

“Elon Musk’s idea of a million people settling on Mars is a dangerous misconception. Living on Mars is no better than living at the South Pole or on top of Mount Everest,” Rees said during a speech at the World Government Summit in Dubai.

American astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson agreed with him. In his opinion, in order for the colonizers’ life on Mars to be comfortable, the planet needs to be “turned” into Earth. In addition, Tyson considers it unrealistic to move to another planet in order to escape from a possible catastrophe on Earth. He believes that it is easier to prevent this catastrophe than to create suitable conditions for life on Mars.

At the same time, Tyson urged to support “young people” for whom space serves as a source of inspiration.

Saturn’s moon Titan has many similarities with Earth

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is distinguished by landscapes very similar to those on Earth: rivers and lakes, canyons and sand dunes. The difference is that on Titan, this landscape is formed by radically different substances from those on Earth: liquid methane flows through the riverbeds, and sand dunes are formed by other hydrocarbon compounds.

For a long time, the scientific world could not understand how all these elements of the unearthly landscape were formed, and most importantly, how they were maintained. The fact is that hydrocarbon compounds are significantly more fragile in comparison with the silicon compounds prevailing on Earth. Nitrogen winds and liquid methane were supposed to turn Titanium deposits into fine dust, unable to form relief elements.

A group of scientists from the USA probably found answers to many questions. In their opinion, the landscape of Titan could have been formed due to a combination of agglomeration (sintering) of materials, the action of wind and the change of seasons. The key to the discovery turned out to be ooids — spherical or granular mineral deposits that are found on Earth. These deposits are formed as a result of the destruction of large silicate formations, for example, stones. On the one hand, various minerals are deposited on ooids, on the other, grains are subject to further destruction under the influence of water and winds. At some point, the processes of deposition and destruction balance each other, and the ooids retain a constant size, and when transferred by the forces of the elements to new places, they again form large structures.

Scientists have suggested that similar mechanisms may work on Titan.

A space jellyfish appeared in space above the Earth

After the launch of the Agnara-1 rocket.2″ a rare phenomenon appeared in the sky from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

The trail of the space jellyfish hung for quite a long time. The jellyfish bloomed high in space, so if there was cloud cover, no one would have noticed it.

Space jellyfish is a phenomenon associated with the launch of space rockets. It can be observed when the sun does not illuminate the Earth, but its rays fall on the condensation trail of the rocket located at a great height.

People are often frightened of this phenomenon, massively reporting UFOs in the media, sometimes this leads to relapses in mentally unbalanced and nervous personalities. Those who are prone to individual phobias have panic episodes associated with the fear of nuclear bombing and alien invasion.

The Arab station Al Amal has discovered a new kind of auroras on Mars

The Arab station Al Amal has discovered a new type of auroras on Mars, called winding discrete auroras. They are characterized by a large extent and were observed in the ultraviolet wavelength range, according to the mission’s Twitter account.

Sinuous discrete auroras extend for several thousand kilometers, from the day to the night side of Mars, are born in the upper atmosphere and look like long, worm-like structures. Excited atoms of the atmosphere, for example, oxygen, are responsible for their radiation. These auroras were observed during the arrival of solar plasma streams to Mars, which is why the atmosphere was affected by faster and more turbulent flows of solar wind electrons.

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