Solar panels will be the optimal source of energy for bases on Mars

Calculations of scientists unexpectedly showed that about 50% of the area of Mars solar panels in combination with hydrogen production systems will be more efficient, taking into account the cost of their delivery, than miniature nuclear reactors. First of all, this concerns the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the planet, which receive the maximum amount of light and heat.

These same regions of Mars are much easier and more convenient to colonize, including due to more favorable climatic conditions and the ease of take-off and landing of rockets and shuttles in the equatorial regions of the red planet. For this reason, engineers consider it more expedient to send solar panels to Mars, rather than compact nuclear power plants, to supply energy and heat to the first settlements on the surface of a neighboring planet.

Scientists have predicted the loss of oxygen by the Earth’s atmosphere

In about one billion years, the Earth’s atmosphere will be almost completely deprived of oxygen and enriched with methane, planetary scientists said.

“One of the indicators of extraterrestrial life is the oxygen-rich atmosphere, which suggests the presence of plants and photosynthesis. The modern atmosphere of the Earth with a high oxygen content is a distinctive feature of its biosphere, but the duration of its existence is unknown, especially in the distant future,” the authors of the study say.

Planetary scientists assume that the detection of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere is possible only for 20-30% of the time of its entire history and, if this is true for other potentially habitable worlds, then we need to rely on additional biosignatures in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Astronomers using the TESS satellite have discovered two previously unknown exoplanets near the star HD 260655

It is a red dwarf located 32 light-years from the Sun. The planets have a dense rocky shell. They are larger and twice as massive as the Earth.

The planet closest to the star was designated HD 260655 b. Its radius is about 1.24 Earth’s, and its mass is 2.14 times the mass of our planet. According to scientists, the density of bedrock is 6.2g/cm3.

The planet makes a complete revolution around the star in 2.77 Earth days. The temperature on its surface reaches 435 degrees Celsius.

The second planet was named HD 260655 c. It is larger and more massive, its mass is 3.0 times the mass of the Earth. The planet is located at a distance of 0.047 astronomical units from the star (1 AU is the distance between the Earth and the Sun), makes a complete revolution in 5.7 days, and the temperature reaches 283 degrees Celsius.

Scientists have concluded that the density of the first planet fully corresponds to the Earth. The second one is probably devoid of iron and consists entirely of silicates.

The impressive spiral galaxy M104 is known for its view from the edge

The impressive spiral galaxy M104 is known for its view from the edge, on which a wide ring of bands of light-absorbing dust stands out. A band of cosmic dust is visible against the background of a bright stellar bulge and makes the galaxy look like a hat, which is why it is often called the Sombrero galaxy.

The Sombrero galaxy, also known as NGC 4594, emits in all ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, and at its center is a supermassive black hole.

The size of the galaxy is about 50 thousand sv. years, it is 28 million sv. years away from us. M104 is one of the largest galaxies on the southern edge of the galaxy cluster in Virgo.

Europeans explore caves on the moon

NASA representatives have long been interested in the underground world on the moon. They also began to study it at the European Space Agency. Experts say that the caves that exist on the satellite of our planet may be quite suitable for the construction of space bases.

It’s no secret that there is no atmosphere on the moon. The radiation on the surface is extremely high. On top of everything else, meteorites that fall on the moon have nowhere to burn. They crash into the ground at full speed and do not lose a single gram of their weight. Therefore, during the construction of various structures for the life of colonizers, protection must be provided.

According to the researchers, the best option is lunar caves. Also there you can find water and minerals that are useful for the life support of lunar bases.

How will the colonization of other planets of the Solar system by mankind affect the Earth?

It will have a positive effect. Like any capital on Earth looks much more beautiful than other cities, just like the capital of the solar system, the Earth will look more beautiful and technologically advanced.

A prerequisite for the colonization of planets is the development of all technologies – space, construction, food, medical, environmental, information, etc. Even now, the construction of a greenhouse complex does not require the transfer of fertile soil there. Tomatoes and cucumbers are grown on hydroponics. This is when there are roots in a tray with a nutrient solution, and the plant itself grows up to 5 meters up. So it is already now. In the future, the soil will not be needed any more.

The same applies to construction technologies. There is no need to take absolutely all building materials from the Ground. It is most rational to take them directly on the spot, as well as on the nearest satellites and asteroids. It will be much cheaper than transporting them from Earth and violating its ecology.

Of course, some high-tech mechanisms and equipment will still have to be moved to other planets. In the opposite direction, minerals will go from the planets to the Earth, which theoretically can be used in high-rise construction and technologies. All this will increase the population of the Earth tenfold. So it will definitely have a positive effect.

SpaceX launched a private mission to the ISS

The rocket, carrying three private clients and a former NASA astronaut, was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Friday.

This is not the first time people have visited the ISS as space tourists and for a fee, but it is the first mission to feature an all-private crew.

It is also the first time that private individuals have traveled to the ISS on a US-made spacecraft.

NASA showed the cars that astronauts deliver to launch to the moon

The Lifestyle Vehicle minivan, probably being developed by the startup Canoo, was chosen as the “space transport”.

In 2023, electric cars will deliver astronauts, maintenance personnel and equipment for launching rockets under the Artemis program. The mission involves a full flyby of the Moon on the Orion spacecraft. Two years later, the astronauts plan to land on the Earth’s satellite. Canoo Lifestyle Vehicle is developing the territory of two American states. The creators plan to present the final version of the model in 2023, before the start of the active phase of the US space program.

The developers plan to produce up to 17,000 minivans a year. Standard minivans cost between $34,000 and $50,000.

Mysterious temperature fluctuations recorded on Neptune

An international team of astronomers has recorded mysterious fluctuations in Neptune’s overall temperature, followed by a sharp warming of the south pole. The findings of the study are published in The Planetary Science Journal.

Experts analyzed infrared images of the most distant planet in the solar system, which were obtained over 17 years. It turned out that, despite the onset of summer on Neptune, most of the planet has cooled significantly over the past 20 years. The planet’s average temperature dropped eight degrees Celsius from 2003 to 2018. Summer on Neptune lasts 165 Earth years, and astronomers expected that with its arrival, the temperature of the planet would slowly increase, not decrease. In addition, the warming at the South Pole also raised a number of questions from scientists, as temperatures rose by 11 degrees Celsius between 2018 and 2020. Astronomers have never seen such a significant warming before.

So far, researchers have not figured out the causes of temperature anomalies on Neptune. It is assumed that they could be chemical changes in the stratosphere, random weather events or solar cycles. In the future, additional studies are planned, in particular, with the use of more powerful space telescopes, such as the James Webb telescope.

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